Quantum Mechanics Is

Quantum Mechanics Is


Quantum Mechanics is the scientific study of energy or light – what it is and how it works.

Photons ARE sentient, intelligent, psychic, perceptive, syntropic, exergic, massless, entropyless, heatless, chargeless, non-local, transdimensional, non-physical, omnipresent quantum waves, UNTIL they CHOOSE to stop and transform themselves into mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or “mass’s heat storage capacity” which is the true definition for entropy.

According to the Law of Psyche, every psyche or intelligence or quantum consciousness has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control, and that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so.  According to the Obvious Law of Physics, the smaller dwells within and controls the larger.  At the quantum level and the psyche level, Psyches are seen or observed as being photons or pinpoints of light.  Psyches are infinite singularities.  Psyche is the ultimate point particle.  Psyches are the ultimate cause and the ultimate causal agent.  Psyche and choice and causation are synonymous.  Psyche, intelligence, or quantum consciousness is the fundamental unit of existence and reality.  This is a Psyche Ontology.  This is what has actually been experienced and observed.

According to the Quantum Law of Information Conservation, there has to be some type of massless, entropyless, infinite capacity, non-physical, quantum machine or computer that is capable of making, transmitting, receiving, processing, and storing quantum waves or quantum information.  Psyche is that machine or living computer.  Psyche is it.  It’s the thing that we have experienced and observed that is capable of making, transmitting, receiving, processing, and storing Quantum Information.  Psyche has to exist, or the Quantum Law of Information Conservation could never be true; and, all of our physicists are in agreement that the Quantum Law of Information Conservation has to be true, otherwise, Quantum Mechanics can’t be true.

According to the Quantum Law of Complementarity, every quantum object has two complementary mutually exclusive states of being – a massless entropyless wave-like spiritual non-physical non-local omnipresent wave-like state or format, and a local space-time mass-based physical state or format that has been subjected to physical restrictions such as sub-light velocities and resistance to acceleration.  A quantum object can only exist in one of these states at any given point in time.

Within our sun, Nature’s Psyche is currently transforming the mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) INTO massless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless, infinite acceleration, omnipresent quantum waves or photons.  All the while, the energy is conserved.

Whenever a photon or quantum wave CHOOSES to STOP, it transforms its massless, entropyless, infinite acceleration, omnipresence INTO localized mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead.  All the while, the energy is conserved.

This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2.  It never gets old, and it never wears out because its energy is constantly conserved.  The proven and verified existence of the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 falsifies the second law of thermodynamics which says that it does not exist.

The controlling psyches within the photons or quantum waves can transform the energy under their control into ANYTHING they want that energy to be, anywhere and anytime that they CHOOSE to do so.  Energy is infinitely malleable.  It can be transformed into anything.  Quantum waves and photons don’t have to stop if they don’t want to.  Photons or quantum waves can pass through water, glass, our earth, our physical bodies, our sun, or a black hole as if these things weren’t even there.  This, too, has been experienced and observed.

Photons or quantum waves can quantum tunnel or teleport instantaneously to their destination if they want to.  Quantum waves or photons go from zero to the speed-of-light instantly, which is infinite acceleration.  Furthermore, they choose the velocity or the speed at which they want to travel.  Some choose to travel at the speed-of-light, and others choose to quantum tunnel instantly to their destination.  Thanks to the Theory of Relativity, it ends up being the same thing in the end.

From the perspective of the photon or quantum wave at the speed-of-light, resistance to acceleration goes to zero, the aging process stops, entropy goes to zero, distance drops to zero, and time stops; therefore, from the perspective of the photon, it simply quantum tunnels or teleports directly to its destination and doesn’t experience the passage of time during its journey at the “speed-of-light”.  This is what the Theory of Relativity is trying to tell us.  A photon or quantum wave KNOWS where it is going to land before it launches, otherwise, it doesn’t launch.  A quantum wave is omnipresent, and it seems to be omniscient or prescient as well.

A photon or quantum wave CHOOSES its ultimate velocity.  It doesn’t have to travel at the speed-of-light if it doesn’t want to.  It can quantum tunnel instantly to its destination, if it CHOOSES to do so.  Photons or quantum waves are sentient, conscious, perceptive, psychic, and alive.  They can read your mind and see everything in our universe simultaneously because they experience no passage of time and no physical limitations.  Quantum waves are timeless and omnipresent.  The ONLY limits that they have are those that they choose to impose upon themselves.

There’s everything that you need to learn and know about Quantum Mechanics, how it works, and how it serves as the foundation for physical matter and classical mechanics.  This explains everything that has ever been experienced or observed, does it not?

The primary axiom of Quantum Field Theory states that particles are born, and particles die.  In other words, particles are made, and particles are absorbed back into the quantum fields from whence they came.  WE KNOW this is true, because Quantum Field Theory is our best-proven and most-verified theory in Science.

Under guidance and help from the Gods, Nature’s Psyche made the massless and entropyless Quantum Fields; and, Nature’s Psyche currently makes the massless and entropyless quantum waves or photons.  Then later, Nature’s Psyche or the Controlling Psyches within the quantum waves or photons collapse the wave function thereby transforming that energy or light INTO mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or “mass’s heat storage capacity” which is entropy.

It’s Nature’s Psyche who makes and MAPS your physical brain; and then, when your human psyche wants to move its finger, it is Nature’s Psyche who reads your mind, collapses the necessary wave functions, and fires the specific neuron that makes your finger move.  This is Quantum Neuroscience.

It’s Nature’s Psyche or the Controlling Psyches within Nature who are making the quantum waves and then later collapsing the wave functions.  This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2.  The human psyche isn’t consciously aware of any of these things.  It’s all being handled by Nature’s Psyche and the Gods.

Once again, this explains everything that has ever been experienced or observed, does it not?

The Quantum Fields are massless, entropyless, heatless, syntropic, exergic, omnipresent, and conserved Perpetual Motion Machines.  Ever since they were designed and made, they have always been conserved.  They are pure energy.  They are pure exergy or syntropy.  They will always exist.  They cannot be destroyed.

The Quantum Fields are perfect Order and Organization at the quantum level.  The second law of thermodynamics has never been true ever since the Quantum Fields were designed and made in our part of the multiverse.  The chaos and disorder completely ceased to exist when the Quantum Fields were made.  The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields exist.  The Quantum Fields falsify the second law of thermodynamics.  You would have to destroy the Quantum Fields and return everything back to the Random Chaos from whence they were originally made, in order to make the second law of thermodynamics even remotely true.

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total amount of entropy or disorder in our universe is constantly increasing and that it can never decrease and go to zero.  This is NOT what we experience and observe.  We do not observe the proton decay that the second law of thermodynamics says should be happening.  We do not observe an ever-encroaching gray goo coming in at us from all sides as the second law predicts.  We do not observe ever-increasing disorder and chaos as the second law of thermodynamics predicts.

We ONLY observe constantly conserved Order and Organization thanks to the Quantum Fields, the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, the Conservation of Quantum Information within Psyche, and the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2.  All of these things have been experienced and observed.  All of these things falsify the second law of thermodynamics.

The first law of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics falsify each other.  They are mutually exclusive.  The one that we experience and observe is the one that’s actually real and true.

We don’t observe anything that the second law of thermodynamics predicts.  We don’t even observe heat death.  You see, quantum objects, quantum fields, quantum waves, photons, psyches, and superconductors function at maximum efficiency at “heat death” or absolute zero.  At heat death, these things have NO resistance to acceleration, and therefore, they are at their best.  Heat death or absolute zero is perfection for quantum objects and superconductors.  This, too, is what we have experienced and observed.  In contrast, we haven’t experienced nor observed anything that the second law of thermodynamics predicts.

The one that we experience and observe is the one that’s actually real and true.  The false is falsified by the truth, and the truth is repeatedly and constantly experienced and observed.

Mark My Words





It All Begins Here