The Perpetual Motion Cycle

The Perpetual Motion Cycle


Once we have the True Meaning or the True Definition for a scientific theory or a scientific concept, then even the simplest of mathematical equations can reveal the profoundest truths, that have been hidden from the world for the duration of human history.

E = mc2 is one such equation.

Obviously, I am not the first person on the planet to discover and use E = mc2.  However, I may be the first person to discover what it truly means and what it truly is.

E = mc2 is the Perpetual Motion Cycle.

This Perpetual Motion Cycle is the heart of modern-day physics, and we don’t even know it because we are still caught-up in or stuck in the dark ages with Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, Creation Ex Nihilo, Classical Realism, Creation by Chance, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Most people on this planet don’t even know it, but the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Determinism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Classical Realism, Atheism or Creation Ex Nihilo, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which ARE Creation by Chance, Creation by Disorder, Creation by Chaos, Creation by Death, or Creation by Entropy.

The false is falsified by the truth, and the truth is repeatedly and constantly experienced and observed.

E = mc2 is Quantum Mechanics, particularly Quantum Field Theory.  E = mc2 is Conserved!  The Quantum Fields ARE perpetual motion machines.  The Quantum Fields operate on the Perpetual Motion Cycle and are an integral part of the Perpetual Motion Cycle.  Once the Quantum Fields were made by Nature or Nature’s Psyche, they have always been conserved thanks to E = mc2 and the Conservation of Energy, the Conservation of Quantum Information, and the Conservation of Psyche or Quantum Consciousness.

It’s Nature’s Psyche or Nature’s Intelligence who makes the quantum waves or the photons in the first place.  Later, it is Nature’s Psyche or Nature’s Intelligence who collapses the wave function and transforms infinite acceleration or omnipresent quantum waves or photons INTO mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead.

According to the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 and Quantum Field Theory, the Gods or the Controlling Psyches had to design and make the massless, heatless, and entropyless Quantum Fields BEFORE they could make and sustain mass, resistance to acceleration, heat, and mass’s heat storage capacity which is entropy.  The proven and verified existence of the Quantum Fields FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics, which says that they don’t exist and can’t exist.  The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields exist.  The Quantum Fields are pure Syntropy or pure Exergy.  The Quantum Fields are perfect Order and Organization.  The Quantum Fields are massless, invisible, non-physical, immaterial, entropyless, syntropic, exergic, and conserved Perpetual Motion Machines.  Their very existence falsifies the second law of thermodynamics.

According to the Law of Psyche, each psyche or intelligence or life force or quantum consciousness has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control, and that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so.  This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 in action.  The controlling psyche CHOOSES what form the energy under its control will be.  Psyches can also coordinate their actions transpersonally or telepathically at the quantum level through thoughts or quantum waves.  This is the way things really work at the quantum level in the quantum realm, or the non-physical realm, or the spiritual realm.  This is what has actually been experienced and observed.

According to Quantum Field Theory, particles are born, and particles die.  In other words, particles or quanta of any kind are made, and they can be unmade or reabsorbed back into the quantum fields from whence they came, anytime and anywhere that their controlling psyche CHOOSES to make them or transform them or dissolve them.  All the while, their energy is conserved.  This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 in action.

The Perpetual Motion Cycle has been experienced, and observed, and verified.  That means that it is real and truly exists.  The Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 works perfectly and eternally, both coming and going, thanks to the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, as well as the Conservation of Quantum Information.

Currently in our sun, Nature or Nature’s Psyche is transforming mass, heat, and entropy into massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons or quantum waves.  Nature’s Psyche is transforming resistance to acceleration, mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy), mass, and heat into infinite acceleration instead.  Photons and quantum waves go from zero to the speed-of-light instantly.  That is infinite acceleration.  Photons and quantum waves also CHOOSE their ultimate velocity, which can be less than the speed-of-light, the speed-of-light, or an infinite velocity which we call omnipresence or quantum tunneling.  This is the part of the Perpetual Motion Cycle where Nature or Nature’s Psyche transforms mass, heat, and entropy into massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons, quantum waves, and infinite acceleration instead.  This is happening all the time through our sun or within our sun.

Likewise, any time that a photon, virtual particle, or quantum wave CHOOSES TO STOP, that photon or quantum wave transforms its omnipresence and infinite acceleration INTO mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, or mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead.  The controlling psyche within a photon or a quantum wave can transform that photon or quantum wave into ANYTHING that it wants that photon or quantum wave to be, anytime and anywhere that it CHOOSES to do so.  In Feynman Diagrams, photons or quantum waves are constantly transforming themselves into electrons and positrons, or quarks and gluons.  Massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless photons and quantum waves are constantly transforming themselves INTO mass, heat, and entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity) all the time.  All the while, the energy is conserved!

This, too, is a part of the Perpetual Motion Cycle.  It’s happening all the time.  This, too, has been experienced and observed.  A miniature Big Bang happens every time a photon CHOOSES to stop and land on our skin.  That photon transforms itself into mass or heat.  We typically feel the heat, when a photon lands on our skin.  However, a photon or quantum does NOT have to transform itself into heat if it doesn’t want to.  It can transform itself into mass, resistance to acceleration, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead, if it chooses to do so.  A photon or quantum wave doesn’t have to stop if it doesn’t want to.  A photon or quantum wave can pass through water, glass, our earth, our sun, our physical body, or a black hole as if they weren’t even there, if a quantum wave or a photon chooses to do so.  This too has been experienced and observed.

The whole Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 has been experienced and observed; and, it FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics which claims that the amount of disorder or entropy is constantly increasing and that it can never decrease and go to zero.

ALL of the conservation laws falsify the second law of thermodynamics!  The second law is a violation of the Conservation of Energy or the First Law of Thermodynamics.  According to the second law of thermodynamics, nothing should exist.  Everything should be random disorder or random chaos, or there should be nothing at all.  The second law of thermodynamics FAILS TO PREDICT what we are actually experiencing and observing.  Everything that exists falsifies the second law of thermodynamics!  The very fact that you exist is scientific proof that the second law of thermodynamics is false.

Do we really observe proton decay?

Do we really observe ever-increasing disorder and chaos?  Do we really observe an ever-encroaching gray goo coming in at us from all sides as the second law of thermodynamics predicts?  Or do we observe constantly conserved order and organization as Quantum Field Theory and the Perpetual Motion Cycle predict?

The one that we actually experience and observe is the one that’s actually real and true.  This is the pinnacle of Science 2.0.  Science 2.0 allows all of the evidence into evidence, and then it pursues a preponderance of that evidence.  Science 2.0 is observation and experience.  The Perpetual Motion Cycle has been experienced and observed; therefore, we know that it is real and truly exists.

We have NEVER observed an ever-increasing amount of substance coming into existence out of thin air from nothing as the second law predicts.  We have NEVER observed creation ex nihilo, creation by entropy, creation by disorder, or creation by chance as the second law predicts.  We have never observed the proton decay that the second law predicts.  We have NEVER observed anything that the second law of thermodynamics predicts.  Everything that exists FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics.

But, we have observed the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 in action, both coming and going.  The Perpetual Motion Cycle and constantly conserved Order and Organization at the quantum level FALSIFY the second law of thermodynamics which predicts and claims that they do not exist.  We have indeed observed the Perpetual Motion Cycle and the massless, heatless, and entropyless photons, quantum waves, and quantum fields in action.  We do indeed observe constantly conserved Order and Organization thanks to Quantum Field Theory, the Quantum Fields, the Perpetual Motion Cycle, the Conservation of Quantum Information, and the Conservation of Energy and Psyche.

The one that has been experienced and observed is the one that’s actually real and true.  The second law of thermodynamics is a con and a scam that is falsified by everything that exists and by everything that has been experienced and observed.  The second law of thermodynamics is FALSIFIED by the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2, as well as Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.  The second law of thermodynamics will NEVER be true as long as the Quantum Fields or the Perpetual Motion Cycle exists.

My ultimate goal is to identify and fix everything that is wrong with Science; and, that process starts with and includes replacing the theory of evolution, the second law of thermodynamics, creation ex nihilo, and creation by chance WITH the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, the Conservation of Quantum Information, the Conservation of Order and Organization, the Law of Psyche, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and the Perpetual Motion Cycle instead.  We replace the things that have NEVER been experienced NOR observed with the things that have actually been experienced, observed, verified, and proven true instead.  That’s what Science 2.0 is all about, and that’s part of the reason why I chose to upgrade my science to Science 2.0.  One day I simply realized that science as a whole is in massive need of a serious upgrade.  Since then, I have tried to do just that.

Mark My Words





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